It's that season that comes around more frequently than not these days with the US military ... deployment time. (Now please realize I know I'm luckier than the majority of Army wives, and many Air Force wives. He has been lucky to go to fairly noncombat zones, as well as only for a short period of time and not the ugly 12-15 months at a time, but it's long enough.)
We have been blessed. The Boy is supposed to be on a one-to-one rotation. Which means when he had returned the last time he only had 6 months before he was to go out again. Since it's one-to-one he would've had equal time in and out of the country. Luckily for us both we had already been slated to PCS/move to Europe so they put it on hold and he avoided deploying with his 'bucket'.
Move the clock forward to June 2011. We have the here and now. Prepping, procrastinating and doing last minute bickering to offset to the unaddressed Stress haunting our hallways and couches.
Last deployment was a completely different bird of a feather. We were in the states, within a days drive of the majority of family and friends, had a large rottweiler, an active cat, an exercise buddy, a plethora of friends kids to borrow, I had a full time job and the MIL stayed with me half the time. It was busy complex and messy but it went by fairly quickly. We had also just closed the door of the very messy infertility journey and were mainly trying to ignore all the emotional crap we hadn't processed as a couple feeling failure. It was full survival mode. Like talking in quiet voices in front of the children. Mustn't hurt anymore feelings than necessary. We IM'd daily and Skyped at least weekly. At the end of the whole thing he even brought me the coolest present of all: MOVING TO GERMANY. Can he top that? I hope to heck not.
This deployment is like looking through the lookinglass with Alice. We live in Germany, and that 'we' includes his mom. We aren't within driving distance of family and it's nearly a $1k flight to join us, including a nearly 10 hour time difference and a 15 to 20 hour travel time. The cat recently passed away in an horric turn of events. I have a brand new kitten being weaned and prepped to join the house in July. I have a Power of Attorney that not only allows me to full on begin persuing the Adoption proceedings but to actually adopt a child. (I highly doubt that can be finished in a 6 month time frame but I have a full green light form Hubby to do so.) We have been swallowed alive by a new plethora of friends and children. I don't have an exercise buddy but I do have a more ample house to exercise in, and a village full of trails to use. I am only working part time this go round but with the MIL and other out-of-country issues to contend with it is a perfect. I have a full recommitted husband to spoil me from only a few hours time difference versus the nearly 10 we contended with last go. Other than already having to schedule a small music legal issue, vehicle repairs, house window repairs, new cat and getting 2nd passports for the MIL and I ... I have some smallish holes of time to fill as I go. From what I hear from the FriendParty even those won't last long.
How will I survive? Probably the same as last time. Keep really busy. Every time we talk remind myself that it's a stage of our lives when we just can't be in the same house, no more and no less. Ignore the fact that he's not here everytime I have a blue moment or wish him in bed with me. Constantly distract myself from the fact that he's away and the 6 months is counting down. I'm not sure how much more I can elaborate on how to surive a long separation from one's spouse, regardless of reason, that I didn't already point out in This Previously Written Post. I'd say I don't like repeating myself but the hubby loves to gently remind me that I can be quite good at it.
My boy gave me a great send off gift. He surprised me by putting on our all time favorite movie, (in my case to the extent it's tattoo'd on my body) and is quoting it in bits and pieces with cute smiles and animation. That kinda love can melt a girls heart like fondu over a tea light.
Pardon the errors I've edited this post 10 ways to Sunday and with eyes blurring I'm sure I'm missing a few more bits.