It is with fond farewell that we send our last temporary roomie on his way. The past 6 weeks our door seems to just have been swinging on the hinges as our home was temporarily turned into a hostel. First our good friends who received a very short notice on exiting the Army as well as Germany, followed by a friend missionary needing an overnight stay or two and lastly a good dear friend of ours for the past two-ish weeks while he finished up his moving stuff to head stateside.
We are most definitely sad to see them all go, but L's was an irony. We met him and his wife when we visited their home two years ago while house hunting. They were vacating off post housing for on, and we needed an abode. Voila a friendship was formed. Not only did he stay at our house, which was his old house, but he did so in his son's old bedroom. So with sadness another set of great friends are being separated due to the nature of this military business. [Shin kick Awesome Job in the balls. Hand Awesome Job icepack and bourbon to nurture it back to an amicable mood.]
Between having extra bodies in the house, chasing moving friends and vacation friends and new church functions, as well as a sudden and startling influx of work [read: injured soldiers to shop for that are seemingly coming out of the hospital bedpans], it has been a whirlwind of nonsesne around these parts. I glance at my computer but a haze of lethargic blues kind of blotches it out. Great Big Blog Ideas pop into my head at inoportune moments like nearing REM status or driving to work or fighting in the shower with the cat and I don't think to write them down. By the time it comes around to blog I just sit watching the blinking cursor with a blank mind and a sigh. I knew I needed to teach the cat to talk. No I don't think it's odd to fight with him in the shower, he would prefer I move so he can lick the floor and not wait until I have rinsed the suds from my eyes. He also thinks I'll budge on the No You Can't Go Outside rule. Duh. I also don't let him run with scissors, play his music after midnight or feed the basement mice. They get enough scraps from the neighbors.
I digress.
It has just been busy.
The hubby and I had a huge Moment a few weeks ago. Not a Divorce or Separating Moment but I huge epiphany and some heartache and some huge communication issues and some friend's help. It was chased with a big dose of humility, compassion and the relief that only with God's love and our desire to strive through the Love War and Madness that is our marriage has it has survived to this degree. And did it and does it live another day. [No, I don't judge those that have experienced the devastating effects of divorce and no, I don't think that marriage is easy in any way, shape or form.] I wanted to blog it so bad. I wanted to share the expression that is the tumbling cacophonic explosion that is our relationship to each other and God and all of it. However I waited to long and it has dissolved back into the sleeping beast that is the calm between the storms.
I am currently still wading through This Awesome Unfiltered Memoir. My Kindle has so many highlight notes that it could burst. Jenny Lawson's raw unfiltered mouth and sarcasticly droll wit is refreshing and inspiring to my dark sense of humor.
And that's it. That's all I've got for today. Adieu.
I heard Wonka was trolling Piinterest. It must be true. I found it in Google.