Edit: Had to get up at 3a to pound some more drugs and drinks but overall a hair better than the night previously.
Hall's cherry cough drops were one of the best inventions ever! I normally abhor the things and will opt with vitamin C drops if at all possible. Tonight after doses of Sudafed, DayQuil, lemon water, chicken soup and hot tea ... I still needed more. The husband brought me cough drops and cherry light Gatorade. A god among men that one. Between the coating of drink and soothing menthol of drop I may actually get some sleep tonight.
I love that man. He's seen the vomiting, dental work, bronchial nastiness and still
comes back for more. That's true love. The hard work between the happy. What a trooper. (Lets see how he handles his mother sick and his wife on crutches and a cast for 6 weeks at the same time.)