Honey, your 12 year-old nephews status on FB totally said 'he's in a Relationship.' What is that! (Husband points to me skeptically.)
Babe, I met my future husband in 6th grade. You can't judge that boy.
darn things kids say
Honey, your 12 year-old nephews status on FB totally said 'he's in a Relationship.' What is that! (Husband points to me skeptically.)
Babe, I met my future husband in 6th grade. You can't judge that boy.
Running her mouth full steam ahead since 1979, courtesy of edible DNA that produced her doppleganger. Say hello Twin. Hello Twin. Writing about the nonsensical since the late 90s. You are most welcome.
Email: RandomlyGrl(at)gmail(dot)com. Full bio above.