After returning home from a slightly scatterbrained shopping adventure with the MIL she noticed something missing. My absentminded tiredness had taken advantage of my pocket book again.
I left these loverly rockin' rubber boots at the store after purchase. And by at the store I mean under the shopping cart I parked in the rainy lot, along with two 12-packs of soda. After both calling the store and returning to it to check lost at buttdarkthirty also known as BedTime I found I'm without the stupid boots. Apparently someone needed them far worse then me. I was just coveting so I suppose I learned my lesson.
A few hours later I tried to knock myself out with our roof again. You think I would've learned my lesson last time. But no. Watered the cat, stood up and WHERETHEHELLDIDTHATCEILINGCOMEFROM? Hello Head. Hello Ceiling. Been well? Was better before you stuck your ginormous presence in my personal bubble. You don't say? I do say. Mind your manners. (Other than a slightly sore spot all is well.)