Thank you Angel for a very sweet Blog Award. I feel very humbled and appreciate the gesture! I will mull over all the many people I stalk (and I'd feel lucky if they know I exist) and continue on the blogging awarding in a future post.
Of course, the way all blog awards work is that you thank the award-giver (or givers if there are more than one) and link back to them in your post. Then you tell your readers seven things (or 5 or 10 or 15 things, depending on the meme) about yourself. The last step is to give this award to other bloggers, and contact those bloggers and let them know about it.
10, 10 or 15 things to meme. Hmm. Angel is so good at the stumpage! Let's see what I can come up with:
Let's start with an easy one. I have a little fear of the dark, that is only a little exaggerated with my baby away. The first 8 weeks I slept with a lamp on in our bedroom, across the room at the foot of my bed. It helped calm down the fears that popped up their ugly heads when tree limbs moved, clouds floated by or lightning strikes the house. I have finally graduated to only the soft dull glow of my cracked macbook. Three cheers for me! Must remember to watch less scary shows at night, like Winnie the Pooh or The Ring.
Numero Dos. I have slight OCD issues. Certain things need to be in certain orders. I will unconsciously straighten the silverware at a diner, the alignment of my desk accessories or where I get to sit on a couch. I have slowly tried to adjustment to certain quirks so as not too offend or irritate others but there's only so much I can do. Some twitches will always be twitches.
Three. Sometimes I can be a very cranky person. My irritation tolerance can be a hair under nuclear in an unexpected blink of an eye. The cat's hyperactive toddlerness can make me want to throttle him. The way Hubby eats his food or gulps his water can have me using every ounce of self control to keep me from throttling him. Sometimes the volume of the television, one text too many, the sound of the alarm clock or extra whir in the bedroom fan can cause me to want to elicit bloodcurdling screams. Instead I grind my teeth, count to ten, sometimes twice and try to go to my zen spot. It is noones fault but my own and I'm sure perhaps a chemical imbalance or two.
Four. I adore chocolate coconut candy bars. Specifically AlmondsJoys and Mounds with the occasional YorkPeppermintPatty. The coconut and nuts with just a hint of chocolate can calm my frazzled nerves on a crazy day. As a general rule I can't do the majority of chocolate bars because they literally give me an instance headache. It's a bit of a food allergy that I've learned to adjust too. Lucky for me I can hand-over-fist double-chocolate brownies to my hearts content. Just throw in a tall glass of milk and occasional slice of cheese to offset the sugar overload and I'm good to go.
Five. I too am a hoarder. I'm not a fullon bringinthecrazy truck packrat. (Thank goodness for OCD tendencies that require certain areas to be tidyfree (my bedroom, frontroom and masterbath.) I do however have my clutter rooms that I just keep toting from move-to-move because I'm sure that extra box of crayons, paperclips, wrist wraps, scrap greeting card and garden twine can be used for SOMETHING! And I won't part with my childhood mementos (I will eventually stop procrastinating and make a memory box) or my three favorite dolls as a child! I also must keep all the weird hats hubby has collected over the years. Just. In. Case. In case what? He goes bald overnight? I don't know but what if he HATES me for throwing it out without asking?!?
Six: When I'm on a blogging role I will type until I'm cross eyed. Like tonight when the letters are starting to get eyecrossed. /sigh. I guess I'll stop with five.
Angel: Thanks for the meme! We are very alike my friend!
Alfie: Pony up and type it TWIN. I'm sure there has to be something for me to learn. What? No my symbiotic nature should allow me to know it before you type it! P.S. Putting my adorable grownup nephews on your blog does not allow you a grace period either!