I've spent the last 8 days doing the unspeakable: fighting a head cold. It's unspeakable because who wants a disease like that in the summer when, for once, it didn't seem to be attacking everyone around me? Woke up last Tuesday to feel like congestion was trying to claw it's way through my facial pores. The throbbing in my head was on the offensive in time with my blinking eyes and death felt immeninent. I had assumed it to be just another 48 hour bug.
Why do I get the weird diseases?
After the third straight day, flat on my bak on the couch, the cold had just shifted. Headache to sore throat to coughing to nasal congestion. It was awesome. I attempted to work on day four feeling partially better ... only to have that hope diminish after four hours of wasted energy.
It's been nearly a week. I still have throbbing sinus face and a cough but am 75% better. I see the doctor for the dreaded umpteenth pap of the month and hope he'll give me meds to topple it without setting me back into HepA land. Even the MIL is a little dubious. Partly through day three of last week she had an eagle eye on me and the thought of speed dialing a friend to take me to the ER if she didn't see improvement. Luckily for me she did ... somewhat. It's odd to me that I only have energy for part of the day. After six hours of shift today my coworker deposited me back at my car to rest since it was super hot and we had a light load to go with my progressively throbbing sinuses and hacking cough.
I am not dying. I really am feeling better. It's just been a slow process. And I'm starting to get aggravated with weird diseases.
On the plus side my husband has been just as thorough as stalking me as his mother. I was even grounded to the couch after our weekly Skype date with orders to rest, relax and top off the drugs. Yes sir, I did.
P.S. Thank you Heather and Jess for the soup-cold-kit and visit. Thank you Brig for the drugs and company. Thank you Faith for the ecalyptus bath salts and visit. Thank you Ramona for the company. Thank you Gary and Fil for taking the MIL to the grocery store for a food run. Thank you Mark for being light on me with the work load. Thank you Suse, Twin, Rue and the Parentals for keeping an ear on me. Thank you Babe for loving me and always being concerned.