The doctor switched up my nasal sprays due to the ever increasing chronic nosebleeds issue and in doing so also took me off my nasal decongestant. I'm not sure if the side effects I could receive/am already receiving is worth the switch. Let's play a little compare and contrast game.
The former med: Nasonex (NSAID - steroidal - nasal spray) taken with Loratadine [Claritan] (nasal decongestant).
Directions: One spray each nostril, once a day. One pill once a day
Pros: When taken with the decongestant and pain reliever it reduced the fairly normal facial sinus swelling, sinus drip and sinus headache after about an hour, and relieved it most of the day. (Mind you the cocktail is necessary. In pieces they merely shake a stick at Pain, who laughs and flaunts his hold on my face.)
Cons: Nose bleeds from right nostril. Depending on the severity of the allergy day (welcome 43rd day of rainy, muggy, fall in the middle of July August) may only last for a fraction of the day. With the meds being a 'take one in the 24 hour time frame' variety I get to tough it out and due to blood pressure issues shouldn't piggyback with more OTC meds.
The new med: Astelin [azelastine] (antihistamine spray)
Dosage: Two sprays each nostril, twice a day
Purpose: 'To relieve nasal symptoms such as runny/itching/stuffy nose, sneezing and post-nasal drip caused by seasonal allergies.'
Important Safety Information: Avoid alcohol, sedatives, operating machinery, and driving.
Pros: The sinus drip no longer plagues me. Can take twice a day.
Cons: Instant foul taste in back of mouth/throat that food and liquids don't seem to effect. Slight shortness of breath. Fatigue. Driving issues? Driving issues? I drive a car for a living! My job is shopping for patients at one military hospital at another military installation 25k away!
Side effects (not yet received) may include: Sneezing fits, nausea, weight gain, muscle aches, the inability to think clearly (found that on their website!) and red eyes.
Anyone besides me scratching their head and thinking what the heck? I really wonder why I can't return to the old days when I took a very efficient dose of Alavert, Loratadine (Sudafed) and Ibuprofen. The pills were small and easy to swallow. The Alavert dissolved on the way down and gave me near instant relief. It was only twice the dosage of cold meds I should take at once. With the exception of slightly raised blood pressure there weren't any side effects. No nose bleeds, headaches, bad mouth tastes, drowsiness, impaired judgement or weight gain. The only downside is I'm really sick of swallowing mouth wash and devouring breath mints so the husband will kiss me without the post nasal drip. Some people.