I tackled the unimaginable. I unpacked the last of the 7 boxes. Granted it is now in miscellaneous piles all over the spare room floor. Don't judge me! I am an OCD packrat which means I can't throw it out, it may have a purpose. I instead get to reorganize my piles every move. Goodie for me I tend to do whackadoo stuff like UNPACKING whenever the hubby goes away for long periods of time.
Oh look. Twin made it into the box. A very interesting tale is how she got the name of Chebacca. She may not be as entertained ... if she can remember past the hangover the story.
Pippin appreciated the friend. You'll pardon the blurriness but the iPhone doesn't have a Cat Macro. He says he is neglected and wants access to all the toys in the house, not just 2/3.
Oh goodie Husband cancelling earphones for target practicing. I will enjoy being trapped inside them for the next round at the shooting range, or a boys night in. I have a second set with skulls on them that attach to my computer for game night.
Interesting story with this fluffy fellow. Hubby has given me numerous toys and oddities over the last decade. I can't for the life of me place my finger on the story behind this guy. He feels important, but than I do have a heavy emotional attachment to most of my bric-a-brac. Twin? Buckwheat? If ya'll know feel free to remind me.
Why Hello New Years Eve 1998! I wish this wasn't so blurry. That happy little shot glass has the longest history of all of them. That glass represents the night I learned that tequila by the bottle is a very bad thing! And if a person is willing to do body shots at the age of 18 like a street hussy expect the consequences of severe bruising and pain with the hangover the next morning.
Note to self: Don't repeat the action.
Second note to self: Tequila is the devil.
Final note to self: 36 hour hangovers are never worth it.
Seriously moving men? Seriously? One giant ass wadded piece of paper for 4 thumb tacks? You couldn't have stuck them inside the shot glass and wrapped it up or hell, just asked if we wanted them packed that badly in the first place?
Award: biggest waste of paper.
The frosting on the unpacking cupcake: monkey slippers. I was given these bad boys the Christmas prior to our move to Germany. And by giving I mean I purchased my own and mom's christmas presents and wrapped them for myself. Take that stupid drunk useless neglectful Santa Clause! Hey pussy get your paws off my monkey!