Somehow I contracted the damn cold. Low-grade Fever, Congestion, Headache, and Bodyache are present and accounted for. Luckily for me it's not a ManCold!
P.S. ... I kept the knee ... like you had any doubts. The bruise is very pretty and definitely worth sharing.
it's not just any cold
Somehow I contracted the damn cold. Low-grade Fever, Congestion, Headache, and Bodyache are present and accounted for. Luckily for me it's not a ManCold!
P.S. ... I kept the knee ... like you had any doubts. The bruise is very pretty and definitely worth sharing.
Running her mouth full steam ahead since 1979, courtesy of edible DNA that produced her doppleganger. Say hello Twin. Hello Twin. Writing about the nonsensical since the late 90s. You are most welcome.
Email: RandomlyGrl(at)gmail(dot)com. Full bio above.