I had the joy of going to the doctor today for him to inspect my masturbatorily injured right wrist and my coke bleeding right nostril. Also known as my semi-defunct carpal tunnel wrist and allergy issues. I play too much WoW, crochet a bit and use nasal sprays! Get your mind out of the gutter!
As I've mentioned before nothing says loving like a military/physician's family medicine clinic.
[Act One: Nurse in happy blue scrubs and a burgeoning baby belly floats in to take my vitals.]
Everything good?
Yep. Except you will freak out in a sec when my blood pressure hits 145/95.
Bad day?
No, it's always like that, that's why I've seen the doctor so much.
Still on [insert generic name] birth control pills?
No that was for a month in January to regulate my cycle. Just me and my irregular ovaries completley birthcontrolfree. [Stares pointedly at fetus junior.]
The jovial nurse misses the stare, giggles and hurries off to her next task.
[Act Two: Tap Tap Tap on the door.]
I made the mistake of opening the door for the unannounced visitor. Random lady person comes rushing in and takes a seat. I thought I had met them all at prior visitors but apparently not so.
Yes, you probably remember me but I'm Nurse Nancy* I've been trying to schedule your Pap Smear. You see you had one in January and we lost the sample and need you to have another one. (She says while giving me the Why Did You Smuggle Your Sample Home You Silly Girl? look.)
Oh yes, I've talked to you. I had an ovarian exam in January to clear up a heavy irregular menstruation issue. The Pap was in late June and you called me midJuly because your NURSE forgot to bring up the sample and/or give it to me to do likewise. We than rescheduled for Monday ... (I give her the You Know It's Been IN Your Desk The Whole Time Lady! look.)
(She interrupts mid-Monday syllable.) Oh good you had it done!
nooo ... due to medical issues I have to reschedule again.
*insert chirrping crickets and disbelieving look on her face*
Oh dear that just won't do! When are you available?!?
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays are good for meee. (Before the words had left my mouth she sprinted out of the room, booked an appointment and returned a slip to my hand. These people are determined to touch my lady parts! 3 times since January and twice since June!.)
[Act Three: Insert doctor.]
Welcome back, everything alright?
Nothing out of the ordinary.
[Blah blah blah, update on wrist, blah blah blah, update on allergy meds.]
Your steroid nasal spray is thinning out the membrane and causing bleeding. Let's switch it to an antihistamine nose spray. You can take two sprays in each nostril (versus one), twice a day (versus one.) That should help.
*Me thinking that could also cause nosebleeds.
Also I'll prescribe you to get an xray and see Physical Med to verify if it is Carpal Tunnel since the meds and the brace don't really do anything besides interfering with your job and driving.
We've kind of just been patching it together, we should probably look at fixing it.
*That man should be so glad that I LIKE him.
[Act Four: Me mouthing off to young military radiology tech while getting wrist bone x-ray'd]
So this is far more comfortable than a chest x-ray. (As I sit full clothed with my wrist on a table sans the big ugly x-ray apron.)
Much more comfortable for the both of us! He says.
You're telling me! That was the last one I had to have. Since I had a temperature of 104+ I couldn't have cared what I was showing to who.
That sucked, could they at least tell you what was wrong?
Nope, that was half the problem. They all kept telling me I was hot, and I'd remark 'you're telling me.'