There is a long and thorough blog post regarding a very in-depth 4-hour bruncheon I had regarding adoption (with Heidi a co-mil-spouse and successful adoptive parent this past weekend) stuck in my head. The words are swirling around and around playing a jolly game of duck-duck-goose. I want to spit them out in an a coherent 1-2-3 step post. From looking at adoption to bringing home the baby, including fees, timelines, clearances and filings. It just won't be drafted today.
I can't get ahold of my husband's voice and it could cause me to scream. I mentioned to him that Heidi and I had met in one of he-and-I's IM staccato communication that we are currently dealing with. Score for free US-style-text apps for iPhones. Boo for crappy 3G connections speeds on both ends of the world. Super Boo!!! for half assed broken iPhones. I mentioned that it's a good thing that Netflix was dirt cheap because adoption wasn't going to be. He had a very astonished two word phrase as a reply to the $40k price tag I quoted. Ironically for as startling as that price tag might be I am feeling at peace with the whole thing. I'm more at peace with that price tag then the thought of a house mortgage or for half of the big ticket items that we've purchased in our past, which aren't that many.
I just want to talk to him about it. Whining sniffle. For all the relaxed attitude that has happily woven itself into our temporarily boyless home ... which is much more appreciated than heavy stress ... there is still some anxiety. He gave a green light on adopting and all the strings and paperwork attached. I want to hear that he is willing to embrace the cost of a child and me seeking a loan or a realistic solution of financial means to cover the costs.
I just told the MIL that this is going to be a long 6-months. We are only about 16 days into it. Good thing I'm bringing home the new four-legged pet tomorrow. I will love him and hug him and call him pretty and obnoxious things. The countdown begins to a whole new series of superfluous posts!