Whilst I was getting soap into my eyes and tripping over the shampoo bottle rolling around the shower floor I had an epiphany: I should tw.tter. Yes, I do have frequent epiphanies in random locations. Tw.tter?! you say.
I know that I have jumped on my mountain and furiously waved my OhHellNoIWontTitterTweetTwit, Idon'thavetime, Itseemscomplicated and Everyoneisdoingit flags in the past. Recently I had quite the fascinating conversation between my friend DrewCDavid and his lovely wife whom I jokingly refer to as TheMenoScholar. She said you HAVE to do it! You have the randomest funniest things to say. I defended myself calling those things MYLIFE and they being the perfect BLOGFODDER. Which at the time made perfectly good sense.
I am currently pinging like my ten-old-nephew in reading class without his ADHD ::squirrell:: MEDS. The hubby is deployed and for some reason and with him the small part of my sanity that helps ground me into zen. So the nights seems to be getting later and later, close to 2a on too many mornings, and the wakeup just seems to be earlier and earlier when the 630a alarm starts chirping. I need a new distraction.
As I previuosly mentioned, half blinded by soap and trying to not slice my legs while removing stubble, it struck me like a flourescent bulb: T-W-I-T-T-E-R. Do it like you think! The random passing comments that flit through my brain like lightning bugs on a balmy June night. Should I wear socks to bed? Will those bookshelves make the living room more brighter or ominous? Will the new kitty like to lick tape, chew through cake or will he prefer my couch arms? Did Mah remember to take her meds this morning? Does the boy actually read the FB messages I send him? Tacos or cereal for dinner? Should tasering be illegal?
Thus the @randomlygrl was born. Will it last as long as this blog as progressed? It's hard to say. But at the moment it will vie with ANGRY *&%#$^& BiRds!!! to keep me from getting on every last nicotine withrdrawn nerve my roomie/Mother-in-Law may have left and a few more she's got in hiding.