I just posted a FREE FURNITURE ad on Craigslist to give away an old table/chair set and recliner. I thought it was a brilliant idea to post our NEW home number with the effective date of tomorrow for the availability. Part of the reasoning was that the home number isn't full effective until tomorrow. (The other reason being I didn't want to dish out my personnel cell.) Slight problem I didn't forsee ... just because Com.c.ast isn't showing up until tomorrow doesn't mean the CALLER ID DOESN'T WORK.
I had forgotten about that discovery from last night. In fact yesterday it was quite hilarious, just now not so much. Yesterday I was watching Medium when Call FROM VA 123-456-7890 blinked across the screen. I started panicking because it looked like the line MrD uses when calling from the desert. Hilarious is when you find yourself running around frantically looking for a phone ... that wasn't ringing ... OR SET UP YET.
Back to five minutes.
No sooner did I hit save on the Craigslist ad than the Caller ID starts overlapping itself with calls. YA me for not giving out my cell number at 9:35p and hurrah for getting rid of furniture that's just clogging up my home but oops for all those people that can't read a Craigslist ad. Keep on blowing it up!