If you've read my blog much you may have seen a common theme. Regardless of a situation I can see the snide, sarcastic, pessimistic angle to it. Can't get pregnant? Doesn't matter cause I can hold a grudge against x family or friend who is. Don't like my job? Compare it to M.A.S.H. (even if it is fairly accurate). Disgruntled with the military? Whine, bitch, moan. Too lazy to use proper English? Insert swear word here.
I see a destructive pattern emerging. A cyclical pattern I don't want to pass on to another generation. Thus, turning over a new leaf.
I'm going to embark back into the land of seeing the silver lining on the leaf and the sunny side of an egg. After all I don't want to be accused of being extremely humble at work yet run my mouth like a lawnmower at home. I want to hold a life of honesty, and for the greater good, not another chip on the angry pile.
The one common denominator in many "religions" or spiritual beliefs strikes a chord with me. Live to love and take care of those around you. It really makes the world at better.
So, you regular readers of mine, I have a challenge for you. See me starting to veer off the beaten path and please nudge me, trip me, hold me accountable. I want it, I need it and I love you all the more for it. (Give me a little leeway in the sarcasm bit, can't take away my personality entirely. Perhaps just the overtop bitchiness? Use your discretion.)