I'll just say that the first day at the new j.o.b. was death by dvd. Like 1930s sexual harassment style dvds. My trainer is utterly adorable and supremely chaotic and disorganized. It was hard to be irritable with someone so sweet but I can already tell I have my work cut out for me. Three cheers to a new job with new challenges!
Some thank you notes need doled out. I apologize in advance for not getting to them sooner!
Em: My best friend, my dear. I've thanked you on many occasions and may I just say MY WORLD IS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT YOU. What can be said considering your ovaries and emotions can trump Mr. D's testosterone on many occasions. I LOVE YOU lady!
Sarah: Thanks for your brilliant political blog and for the notes on Matt Damon. I love the fact that you can wrap your brain around all the politics, jargon and propaganda and make sense of it all. It's complicated and often above what I even want to walk near, let alone dive into, and I love your blog (even if I'm left too tongue tied to comment on the difficult stuff.)
Mia: Thanks for your literary prowess. Your daily blogs are always such beautiful works of art that can be sweet, poignant and sarcastic all at the same. All the while you are neck deep in school books and very little sleep. You impress me, yes you do.
Queenie, Queenie, Queenie, Queenie: Where to begin? Your support in this infertility mess and life's insights are quite invaluable. Thanks for being in the middle of your big projects, your huge support into U.T.E.R.U.S. and Borneo and still reminding me that you love to read my blog. Sniff* your comments reminded me to be a little embarrassed for that little "where did they all go?" post. (As well as Mia, Sarah and Angel.)
Angel: What a lovely little South Africaan gem you are! Thanks for taking the time, amid a very busy life I might add, to always dig back through my very busy blog and comment on them all! You have an amazing attention to detail and I never doubt your incredible support! Thank you so much!
Morgan: You should win an Award for Super Mommy my friend! Your posse and all their characters only keep you a little sidetracked my dear! That and the rest and your ability to randomly text to question my fertility state is just brilliant! You are fantastic. Thank you!
Shandi: My little gym buddy, base partner in crime, cohabitzer of evil and just great friend! Thank you for stalking me when I want to just "skip" the gym and not let me. Thanks for not considering my continual running mouth personally offensive. Thanks for letting me torture your boys as much as I want ... and they'll tolerate! Thanks for letting me corrupt you to WoW. I appreciate you much my friend.
Alfie: My twin. My punk. My achilles heel. Thanks for not forgetting that I was the one connected to you in the womb and still have a disconnected belly button. I appreciate that ... and the tumorous migraine you give me. Let me remind you that though you miss me now, you'll be BEGGING me to leave when we meet again. You just wait.
Thank you all for reading, commenting and reminding me that I'm more loved than I remember and less dysfunctional than I may think. Slightly sarcastic and bitchy on occasion? Sure. Completely out of control and a lunatic? Not so much.
And let me apologize for being a few posts behind on a few of your blogs. I owe you and have some lunch time at home in the future to make up for it.