or “here we go again: medicated attempt #4”
(My mother says I exaggerate slightly. I deny vehemently)
So with slight hesitation I write this post. I constantly do this kind of thing to myself than end up getting in trouble. By this ‘kind of thing’ I refer to my big trap and open book life. I really feel that the majority of life is an open book. By honestly sharing your journeys with other people you have a greater chance of helping someone and showing them that there can be a light at the end of a somewhat clogged tunnel. We may fail miserably at times but for some reason Mr. D and I have always lived that honest way. Sure we may bicker and argue and sometimes I’m positive we’re Italians and just don’t know it, we also portray the reality of living in a committed relationship. Sometimes it just ain’t peachy when two people are trying to both be all about them. That doesn’t mean you have to give up though. So often I get to remove my foot from my mouth or come clean when it’s my fault because that’s life too.
So anyway, the problem with being as honest and current as I have been is that when I am uncertain and want to possibly not share as much as I have been about a situation, I feel like I’m letting you, the reader, down. It’s like building up to the finale of “could this be the month” than I go AWOL and post in 6 months that I’m ready to birth a parasite. Kind of not fair and really cheap don’t you think?
All that being said, today I popped my last dose of Clomid 100mg for this cycle. After the doctor’s devastation and complete bewilderment over the last cycle this is a bit anticlimactic. She was just so positive I was pregnant and in complete denial when the tests came up with a big fat negative and visit from Aunt Flo. Now she seems to be 120% positive that this current Clomid dosage is putting me at such a high ovulation rate that this month, if the boy breathes near me, I’LL CONCEIVE. Haven’t we heard that before? The best part is that I don’t have to do a 21 day progesterone blood panel this month. Thank god, my veins need a reprieve.
Hmmm, so by my doctor’s standards I could know if there are 1, 2, 3+ buns in the oven by as little as two weeks after ovulation. If for some reason this just doesn’t work she’s just going to phone in the referral to see a specialist downtown. For some reason I’m still so leery of getting my hopes up. After attempt and attempt I’ve become so paranoid. I know the reality is that what will be what it will be yet I catch myself thinking of I think a certain way or do certain things I could jinx it. Like my mojo is jacking it all up.
It’s frustrating that each time I try to just focus on working out and WoW and family and crocheting I get tripped back up by this military timeline and life and just wanting to be pregnant.
Mr. D had to remind me that he may deploy in 12 months. That means instead of being pregnant with our possibly only children when he’s out, I could have my hands full of infants. That thought almost had me going on a hiatus but after all this work I just couldn’t throw in the towel. Besides, I’d rather he gets to experience 9 wonderful months of pregnancy at my beck and call than missing out on the food cravings and bloating and bitchiness and birth. With the new internet stuff he’ll be able to see our babies via a computer screen no matter where he’s at. I suppose there are arguments on all sides.
So here we go again. Luckily my red-blooded testosterone filled man doesn’t have a problem at all with all this practicing and baby making nonsense.