So today is CD28. If you've read anything about my blog you'll know that's when the antsyness starts to creep in and the twitching begins. Have I finally produced a parasite or still barren? Hmmm? In my defense the doctor has practically sealed a pregnancy this cycle with a gold star. But, my life experience and cynicism still leaves me balancing the razor edge of doubt and skepticism. As in: I've heard that speel before lady.
Anyway, with it being so late in my cycle I casually mentioned my fears to my friend. She made the cutest comment: Well, do you feel pregnant? Funny that you ask, because I don't know what that feels like. Each time I think I've finally stumbled into the right symptom, including slight nausuea and 14 days late, I'm proven wrong. Not to mention that 95% of my premense symptoms could be diagnosed either way.
I was inspired to do a little blog post out of the whole compare and contrast of it all. Can't we bloggers write about anything? Coffee? Bad day at work? Bratty kids? Sniffly kids? Pregnancy? Infertility? Stop signs? Getting the picture?
Here's a little compare/contrast. I'm using my twin as sample of the "pregnancy symptoms" since I lived with her from gestation through the first 6 months of so, of both her boys. She's my experience by proxy. I am a PANK after all!
Symptom 1: My face has become coated with more acne than a tween near puberty. Close to the worst outbreak in my life. I'm not amused. One way or another my hormones are on the fritz.
Pregnancy symptom: Check, check.
NonPrego symptom: Slightly unusual outbreak about beginning of cycle.
Symptom 2: Very sensitive and sore breasts.
Pregnancy symptom: Check, check, including swelling and size gain.
NonPrego symptom: Check, check.
Symptom 3: Lower back pain. Sometimes it just feels like my lower vertebrae are revolting and my hips have realigned themselves.
Pregnancy symptom: Check, check.
NonPrego symptom: Same!
Symptom 4: Restless sleep. Slight insomnia.
Pregnancy symptom: Check.
NonPrego symptom: Could just be the result of Mr. D's schedule shift to graveyard.
The doctor may be of the clinical mind that I could get a positive test as early as September 2, but once again my doubts come into play. I'm thinking of waiting until possibly September 15 before testing. It's been assumed that I'm far from normal and after buying and testing through a stocks worth of home pregnancy tests in the past, I just get a little leery. That and as silly as it sounds, I just don't want to jinx it.