Does lack of mental stimulation make you drowsy? Does staring at the same computer screen for hours at a time make you a little dizzy and out of focus. Does the monotony of your job put you to sleep? Me too.
I eat, I
drink, I even put little binder clips on my fingers, but to no avail. I suppose
I could pound more sugar free Monsters, but my teeth already remind me that
they’re past due a good dental experience. Pouring battery acid on
my tender gums may not be in my best interest. Beating my head against my desk
just causes pain and blood. Getting a good nights rest may be a good
idea, once I get this sinus draining under control and can actually breathe
I can’t
help but wonder if it’s the switch from Claritan D to Zyrtec D. Claritan
never made me drowsy.
Alls I know is that the past two days has been a big fight to try and stay awake. And my English has become a little sloppy. Good thing today’s my Friday and it’s all water under the bridge now.
In other news, tomorrow is the big nail biting dr apt.
It’s the verdict of my last progesterone panel (fingers crossed it’s not bottom low.)
It’s D31 of my cycle (fingers crossed they actually verify this time if I have to wait 50 days to know if there might be a bun in the oven.)
It’s FINALLY the referral apt to see a fertility specialist (the months and setbacks seem to have been going on forever.)
also hopefully the first inkling into if invitro may be possible or if we
should just start looking into the adoption stuff.
just trying to not think about it. I’m so anxious I’ve already
called the doctor to make sure this appointment has NOT been rescheduled for
the 3rd week in a row. I might go hormonal on someon’s ass. I
think it’s justified right?!? I guess I’ll have to resign myself to
a night of late hour WoW (damn the MIL for the new addiction!) (God bless her
for being adorable as hell), some hooking on a new adorable blanket –
bunny combo set that I’m in love with and some good old fashion movie
time. Just rented 21 and have made plans to hit the afternoon opening matinee
of Mummy 3 as a feel good moment after the stress of the dr. apt. (Also
why I gave myself the day off work.)