shan: So I keep thinking about the fact that you have to have sex like every day for a week. How do you do it?
me: I know! Right? And just to make it harder I've decided we're going for two weeks straight to double our chances of not missing my ovulation cycles.
shan: Good gawd!
me: Yeah, we're trying to think of it like a marathon. I told him we can't have sex multiple times a day for the first few days or I'll be so sick of him I won't want to keep having it. And, if that's the case why did I jack myself up on the stronger Clomid in the first place!?!
shan: That must get so old! if Hots tried that I'd be beating him off with a stick!
me: Yea, I wish we were lazier. It's like trying to tell him that sometimes we can skip the foreplay and niceties and just be like wham-bam-thank-you-mam. But noo, once you have the history of great sex it's hard to convince him that "great" can be defined as many different ways including quick without a mindblowing O everytime.
shan: No doubt! You're like 'can you hand me that pen and paper? I'm just gonna whip out this grocery list while you take care of business.'
me: ZOMG seriously! It's like 'hey babe can you move you're blocking the way of my show.'
shan: tee hee hee.
me: To make matters worse I think I'm supposed to lay there like 20 minutes at least each time afterwards with my ass on a pillow or something. Now I have to prep the area with a book or magazine to kill time!
shan: Why don't you just do a headstand against a wall. Let gravity do the work!
me: I heard a doctor told Mr. D's co-worker to have sex with his wife, than flip her upside down and shake the shit out of it. That would get the job done.
shan: Ha! Shaken, not stirred.